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Acupuncture - Chiropractor - Chicago

Acupuncture and Chiropractor Chicago Treatment

Symptom > Correction > Rehabilitation > Preventive

A new first time patient is expected to provide a history of subjective complaints, objective findings (lab work, x-rays, if Available, last physician seen, etc). A chiropractic evaluation, and a report of written or verbal finding before receiving services at this clinic.

A new patient in tile pain phase of care will usually receive a form of myofascial soft tissue massage, ultrasonic therapy, interferential, or nerve reflex therapy throughout the symptomatic phase of care before receiving manual manipulation. Physiotherapy rehabilitation exercises are "at home" responsibilities.

Wellness Long Term Care Programs

Chiropractor manipulation and mobilization of a specific region of the spine consist of specific correction of joint, muscular, and ligamentous dis-relatonships.

Physical medicine includes orthopractic mobilization and gentle manual method manipulation to the cervical, thoracic, lumber, pelvic and extremity region to correct and restore pain causing joint disfunctions. Therapy is intermediate to long term care.

Nutritional support mineral, vitamin homeopathic, Chinese medical formulation.

Medical acupuncture (needle reflex therapy) is the Chinese practice of piercing specific peripheral nerves with needles to relieve the discomfort associated with painful disorders. For general therapeutic purposes the procedure usually requires approximately 15-30 minutes per application. A course of treatment may involve several series. A series generally involves 3 applications per week.

Orthopedic support rigid of soft cervical collar lumbosacral support, custom molded foot orthotic, heel or sole lift. Therapeutic exercise device cervical pillow, lumbar pillow, support pillow to promote structural support, stabilize, decompression, and traction atructure in a favorable way.

Symptomatic Short Term Care

Soft tissue massage of a specific region of tue body helps to increase blood supply, increase lymphatic and venous drainage, to decrease periarticular swelling, muscle relaxation. To reduce fibrosis, adhesions. myofascitis, and muscle atrophy.

Ultrasonic therapy using pulsed oscillation 20% duty cycle for 15-20 seconds to specific myofascial trigger and motor Points.

Traction provides immobilization and relieves muscle spasm, enlarges the intervertebral foramen to relieve compression or irrative forces upon the nerve roots, reduces swelling.

Improves tissue circulation, prevents adhesions formation Between the dural sleeves of the nerve root and adjacent Capsular ligaments.

Contrast therapy alternating hot (dilation) and cold (construction) for intractable pain conditions.

Interferential interference current therapy allows for deep tissue physiotherapy: reduce edema, increase circulation, and trigger endorphines; stimulate smooth and striated muscle tissue, and produce analgesia. Russian stimulation can Promote muscle contraction, muscle decongestion. Stretching of fibrotic tissue and hyperemia.

Vasopneumatic vacuum suction massage helps to increase blood supply, increase lymphatic and venous drainage while the part is being exercised. 97016

Edit clinical bioelectric medicine
97014   Electric stimulation (unattended)
97116   Electric stimulation (attended)

Neurmuscular reducation
Pain relief: counterirritation
Endophine release
Pain fiber block